Prof Jonathan Serpell AM FRACS

Director – Breast, Endocrine & General Surgery Unit – The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne
Jonathan Serpell is Professor and Director of General Surgery at The Alfred Hospital and Monash University as well as Director of the Breast, Endocrine and General Surgery Unit at The Alfred.
His major research interest is in Endocrine Surgery, particularly in the anatomy and pathophysiology of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. He obtained his doctorate in Medicine by thesis on soft tissue sarcomas and desmoid tumours. He is a previous Senior Examiner at the Specialty Court in General Surgery of RACS and Past President of Australian and New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons.
Jonathan is Specialty Editor for Endocrine Surgery for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery and a member of the Editorial Board of World Journal of Surgery. He established the Monash University Endocrine Surgery Unit in 2007. He established and is Clinical Lead for the Australian and New Zealand Thyroid Cancer Registry in 2016. He obtained a Master of Education in 2011 by thesis in examination processes and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
He was recently awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (ad hominem). He is a member of International Association of Endocrine Surgeons, Asian Association of Endocrine Surgeons, American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, Asia-Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgery, American Head and Neck Society, and the International Neural Monitoring Study Group.